
Prof Nthabiseng OgudeThe Foundation CLC brings together academic lecturers and academic and staff developers with an interest and experience in working in the many Foundational and extended curriculum (ECP) provisions across the different higher education institutions in South Africa. These academic provisions have the general aim of improving the access and success of students who might otherwise be excluded from higher education due to their schooling experiences. These programmes seek to provide enriched curricula, innovative teaching approaches and learning opportunities which help to facilitate meaningful access for students into both institutional cultures and the disciplinary and professional knowledge and practices of their course of study.

The main focus for the CLC over the next two year period is to stimulate and promote a culture of practice sharing amongst institutional partners. Such practice sharing initiatives should operate at individual institutions (department, faculty and institution wide platforms), but also traverse regional and national levels. The idea is to encourage ECP units and staff at different institutions to create practice sharing platforms at their institution and also between their regional partners. Common ways such practice sharing activities might be facilitated is through sharing-circles and hosting regional seminars, symposia or colloquia. National practice sharing will be facilitated at the annual HELTASA conference, where ECP staff and units will be invited to lead/facilitate practice sharing circles focused on particular themes such as students learning, curriculum innovation, policy, administration and governance and student development.

You are welcome to approach us for assistance regarding:

  • Participation in Foundation CLC activities, e.g. sharing of scholarly work in teaching and learning innovation or best practices
  • Updating your Foundation CLC database contact details Requirements for new Extended Curriculum Programme applications
  • Information regarding the new DHET Policy Document for Extended Curriculum Programmes which is currently under discussion
  • Reporting and budgeting
  • Information about Foundation Colloquia or workshops
  • Organising regional or national Foundation Colloquia Academic success stories of ECP-students


Semester 1

  • Most time was spent on assisting UP Mamelodi Campus with information necessary to set up the Notional ECP Colloquium which took place on 14 and 15 August 2019 at the Mamelodi Campus.
  • The updating of the database is a continuous process. The list of Colloquium attendees will be added when made available by Mamelodi Colloquium organisers.

Semester 2

  • On the 14th and 15th August, 2019 Mamelodi was host to 150 delegates to the National Colloquium on extended programmes. Delegates come from 14 universities in seven provinces. Over the two days there few two plenary presentations and a panel of ECP alumni as well as 41 papers presented in parallel sessions.
  • The Colloquium was positively experienced by all delegates and met the expectations. An invitation to contribute to the Proceedings of the Colloquium was compiled by Marissa Rollnick. See uploaded document in this regard.
  • It was agreed that the 2020 National Colloquium will be presented in the Western Cape and hosted by the University of Stellenbosch. More detailed information will be provided.

HELTASA Conference in November

  • On 3 September 2019, universities were invited to attend a DHET workshop on Extended Curriculum Programme policy. The new Policy Document for Extended Curriculum Programmes were discussed. At the end of the day DHET announced that Universities will be requested to formally provide feedback on the Policy Document.

For further information or to add to the conversation, please reach out to Nomfundo at