HELTASA Special Interest Group Update

The HELTASA SIG convenors had a very successful and collegial first meeting of the year on the 16th of May. The importance of the SIG membership and activities was celebrated and valued as one of the foundational pillars of HELTASA.

Key outcomes of the meeting were the decision to put in plans to build the scholarly identities of the SIGs and to look at viable and sustainable options for increasing membership beyond the annual conference. Also noted were the similarities in terms of the mission, aims and goals of most SIGs, which could enable collaboration across many SIG activities and intended research. Each SIG also committed to providing a thought piece in the upcoming newsletters. Do look out for these on the HELTASA website and Facebook page.

SIG convenors will also be calling on SIG members and those interested in becoming members to get involved in the various SIG activities and intended research. Your participation and contribution towards SIG activities and projects will be greatly valued.

More information about SIG events as well as the contact details for various conveners may be found on the HELTASA website and Facebook page.