SASASA responds to COVID192021-04-01T10:10:09+02:00

The SASASA project has become such a valuable resource that we would like to keep the conversation going. We invite you to submit more short and sharp pieces reflecting on teaching and Covid-19 in 2021. Are things any easier now that we have been teaching online for a year? What issues persist? What innovations have occurred?

This time, however, we would like to take a slightly different approach and ask that in addition to written submissions, you submit a piece in different formats including a poem, illustration, video essay or podcast. If you need a bit of inspiration, have a look at the WhatDoWeDoNow project, the Academic Minute podcast or University of Oxford’s Covid Conversations.

In transition: Reflections on liminality and COVID-19 in the AD environment

By |July 15th, 2020|Categories: Higher Education, News, SASASA|

In the past three months of radical uncertainty and upheaval, academic developers – like everyone else – have had to cope with incisive change.

Students, higher education, and COVID-19: toward new possibilities

By |May 18th, 2020|Categories: News, SASASA|

In the decade before the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching and learning in higher education across the United States – and also in many places around the world – evolved rapidly, if unevenly, due to the convergence of three trends.

Care and connection: understanding the lived experiences during COVID-19

By |May 12th, 2020|Categories: Higher Education, News, SASASA|

We are living through truly extraordinary times; a period of time defined by tremendous uncertainty, change and anxiety. Higher education has had to - quite literally - flip a switch and move to online teaching or, rather, emergency remote teaching (ERT), in an effort to continue and hopefully complete the 2020 academic year. This move to ERT, whilst terrifying, is perhaps an attempt to ensure some level of routine and “normalcy” is maintained when focusing on teaching and learning.

Trauma-informed teaching & learning: teaching in time of uncertainties

By |May 8th, 2020|Categories: News, SASASA|

Many of us, along with our students, are experiencing stress, anxiety, and even trauma. How can we not? Our brains do an amazing job to keep us alive—constantly scanning the environment looking for and responding to threats and dangers.

Tutor partnerships to promote students’ engagement and personal wellbeing during COVID-19

By |May 8th, 2020|Categories: News, SASASA|

Tutoring is at the heart of every university teaching and learning process designed to improve students’ success rates and to enable students to achieve their learning goals.

Shifting literacies and positionalities in COVID-19 times: the launch of the HELTASA doctoral studies programme

By |May 1st, 2020|Categories: Higher Education, News, SASASA, Uncategorized|

One of the understandable challenges facing the designers of doctoral education programmes is how to manage the transitioning of students from their masters into the PhD project,

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